When David plays...the roots of our very body are deep growing together into the core of our Mother Planet, and our soul's branches are growing high into the energies of Father Sky as our Ancestors described the very point of our "human existence"... we find Harmony of our very presence in the togetherness. Together we heal individually...paradox or hereafter?
The healing resonance of these sacred instruments brings order into our very Soul and with that, every time we take a breath, we can feel the world around amplifying our power to heal everyone else that we touch after.
These "sound healing gatherings" as we can call David's performances, are meant to lead us all into bringing the Power of the Sound into our consciousness, and with that, releasing all dense/negative/heavy/unhealthy vibrations that do not serve us anymore and walk our way into our own, but common, evolution as Spiritual Beings that chose to have a Human Experience!
The experiences that I have every time I am there, are amazing and they do vary from Angels getting through the Skin of the Earth into a complete release and response to our prayers for help, to rainbows floating along with sounds all over the space, to feelings of flying free and in total Harmony with every atom of the surrounding air; sometimes the sounds take me to the Elemental Kingdom and I can fly along with Dragonflies, talk to the Unicorns of Lemuria and play cards with Fairies with old Oak leafs. There was a time when I remembered who I was in another Constellation, past Life Regression happened and I realized why I am so connected with Ladybugs..And guess what...I AM NOT CRAZY! :) I am a Crystal Healer, I fix craziness!! ;)
Let's keep this going and prove that we are as immortal as the sound of a Crystal Bowl crossing our Physical Bodies, embracing and setting free the Light of our very Soul!
Just by being present and in harmony with The Sound, the Resonance that results is more powerful than we could imagine making it happen in any other way.
And if you are curious of how it looks like when the power of David`s Sacred Instruments Frequency restores your Energetic Body, we are offering you a private "healing sound gathering" with your Aura Picture before and after, so your physical eyes can see what your very Soul just experienced.
Details at http://www.crystaljourney.ca/ at "Performances" page.
Crystal Blessings! Harmony through Music!
Note: the pictures are all taken by talented photographer Tony Pickard
Note: the pictures are all taken by talented photographer Tony Pickard
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