Why do we need to shower or brush our teeth? the answer is the same: we need to stay CLEAN!
Energy work is known to the New Age Society as a new modality to open up to ourselves but also a new "money mill" for most of the practitioners that do not look at their work from the sacred necessity point of view, or do not bother explaining why is the practice so important, why do we really actually need it. Or, do we??
Healers and Energy Work have been on this Planet since the Beginnings, it`s just that Social and Religious Structures in different circumstances have abused it`s powers and then banished the Healing getting scared of what might it do to the "new structures" that needed to be "under control".
Witches and Druids, Shamans, Earth Angels, Midwifes, Magicians, Gods, Goddesses, High Priests/Priestesses, Healers, and more, ALL chased, hunted, banished, taken away from all new structures of the Unified Health System - The Doctor hand in hand with the Insurance.... what a great solution! I can`t even laugh right now......
We need to understand that we are complex Entities that carry with us physical inheritance - in the DNA code - and Energetic inheritance from our Soul Journey, we did not necessary follow any Blood Lines in our Journey to be charged with the same information to carry until it`s cleansed - there are exceptions - but we are constantly choosing a Human Experience in order to evolve in our Energetic ans Spiritual Path.
So coming here in a Physical form we have the challenge of first "forgetting" who we are and second trying to understand how our lives are moulded to fit into a social system that we are born in.
Physically - our Super Computer called "body" has an infinite number of Energetic challenges:
- the Food we eat- once in the digestive system the stomach transforms it into the necessary "energy" that the entire body needs in order to function - how "good" is the food that you ingest DAILY??? and we are not only talking "organic" here, and should we also take in consideration the "frequency" of our meals (how many times and what times in the day we eat)?? Quality and "frequency" of our food are essential for a balanced Energetic System that translates into Physical Health.
- the Water we drink - again, what quality, how much is "enough"?
- the Air we breath - no comments here.....
- the Physical exercise we offer our bodies on a daily basis, to ensure a proper balance and function of our vital organs and systems.
Should I go on??
-here comes our worst ennemy: the Thoughts we think!!!! Our Brains are emitting thoughts in frequency values, electric waves....funny, we are not "electrocuting" each other when we think.....but we are communicating with each other, we are constantly transmitting messages in the form of frequency waves that are linking us ALL TOGETHER IN THE GREAT COMMON CONSCIOUSNESS....WorldWideWeb is a joke compared to what our brains are doing around us!!! Not to mention that we are ONLY using 10% , 20% 30%....capacity of our brains!! Science did not come up yet with a definitive value for this either, prooving how much we simply cannot seem to know about ourselves. How much can we pretend to be sure of, or to understand?
Back to our Thoughts: Positive Thoughts are fine High Frequencies easy to travel through the density of space, connecting and amplifying positive Feelings - Joy, Happiness, Harmony, Peace, Freedom, Self-Respect, Self-Worth, Gratitude, Hope, Amusement, Inspiration, Awe and LOVE - as you read these words you can feel their frequencies....
On the other hand Negative Thoughts - Low Frequency values, dense energies, don`t flow through the space, get stuck in your Energy Field creating "heavy areas" or blockages in your Energy Centers and anywhere in your Aura Levels - I will not name them! You know which ones they are. Naming calls up the Frequency, from here we can go into the subject that concerns how our own Names carry Frequencies and contribute to us being who we are... :)
- the Time to meditate - that time when time does not exist and we let Peace enter every cell of our Body and every wave-length of our brains; that time that we give ourselves a break from everything and we LET GO AND LET GOD!
How many of us are considering all of the above - and more - on our daily lives??
IT`S ALL ABOUT FREQUENCIES!!!! IT`S ALL ABOUT OUR OWN CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURE!! IT`S ALL ABOUT CRYSTALS and how we REMEMBER what we once were and get back there and bring the best out of ourselves!!

Considering all of the above: a Healer CANNOT feed you, drink for you, breath for you, exercise or meditate for you, and on top of all cannot Heal for you either... But a healer is the hand of God that "manipulates" your Energy and teaches you how to find the Balance between Yourself and your Human Being.... doesn`t this SOUND like a big deal to do??? IT IS! And it does require total respect and humility and cooperation in the process of LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD!
A Crystal Healing - or any other type of Energy Healing - is your "daily shower"!!! if you cannot do it yourself please find your Healer and use your Healer for your constant needs;
HEALERS are here to Serve you!
We are all God, but just sometimes we cannot hear ourselves because of the very Noise we emit!
You don`t need to be sick to Heal, you need to Love and Respect yourself, and be willing to take a shower and knowing what that does to you! :)
Any Energy Healing practice is an advance Spiritual Restructuring Method of our Physical Existence, because at the end the Point is: as long as we are trapped - or enveloped not to be so constrictive - in our Physical Body, we need to take care of it!!!
Any question, please "electrocute" me in the Comments section :)
Crystal Blessings!
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