Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Birthday to me! :)

I was not born to die, I was born to live forever!

...and living, I was born to lighten up the path of all others who might have crossed my way, or my thoughts. Living, I was born to enjoy the Light that I was gifted with, like a Firefly in the night of the world`s ignorance and judgement.

If you do not learn to lit up your own Light, you will only be a shadow that other Fireflies are sparkling on!

"To be or not to be" together, is not a question, it is a choice. To "Lighten up" is a choice, and we are all here because we already chose it!

Shine on Firefly!! Shine on, your own Light!

Friday, April 27, 2012

An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet..

Chinese old proverb: An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break.

that`s how the Universe started, a Ladybug was carrying the Life Thread from the Will of Gods to the Beingness of  our very Souls, then Light sparkled, God blew the Breath of Life into it and Life began, and ever since we are all connected through that string, it`s called the Flower of Life...

I often see the Ladybugs in my dreams, they are teh Guardians of the Thread...

This thread brings us together, and also keeps us apart, but never disconnected from each other.
This thread flows between You and All people that you ever met, you wish you have met, you accidentally met, you slightly crossed their path, you prayed for, you thought of, you dreamed of, you loved, you hated, you just noticed... all people that were, are, and will ever be in any way of contact with you: physical, mental, emotional, ... natural!

Odd circumstances of life that make the thread shrink are not only here to bring us together, but to influence each other`s lives, to create and change each other`s thoughts, to help us go through situations, to step back or be pushed forward, and all that web is created with our words, and tears, and gestures, and feelings, and wishes, and pains, and thoughts, and joys, and despairs, and judgements...towards each other...

Other odd circumstances keep our threads long and loose and keep us far away from each other, but in thought, in our very nature, the connection is there, always with no doubt or any knots or mistakes...your every thought has the power to travel through the thread no matter the distance in time or space and ... connect...

Our WorldWideWeb is the very Internet of our species; is the space where we are completely free and empowered to cross through and make the changes that we need to, ALL in order to keep the SYNCHRONICITY of our web, the will of our Gods, the Flower of our Life...

No matter what you choose to do, at the end will be the right thing, because even if you go wrong, someone else will have the thread stretched and adjusted so the flower keeps it`s perfect synchronicity, keeps living in perfect harmony in the Natural circle of life!

Be brave and dare to live and take responsibility for your every action, as we are all connected into the Perfection of our Very Nature, through our Invisible Thread that starts in the Will of Gods right into the Soul of our World and from there spreads through our Invisible Connecting Threads keeping us All together into the Flower of Life!

How many times you even thought that the person you just saw for the first tine in your life, regardless the circumstances that brought you together, might have the same Flower of Life tattooed on their body... and you were ONLY meant to shake hands, nothing more! :) I would have never thought... but it happened to me....
Be Brave and Live!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Story from Bali III - Ganesha`s Path...

Namaste, the Light in me sees the Light in you!

some info before the "revelation" of the story... :)
Although he is known by many other attributes, Ganesha's elephant head makes him particularly easy to identify. Ganesha is a Hindu God widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles and more generally as Lord of Beginnings and Lord of Obstacles (Vighnesha (Sanskrit: विघ्नेश; IAST: Vighneśa), Vighneshvara (Sanskrit: विघ्नेश्वर; IAST: Vighneśvara)), patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom...

this story starts before leaving Canada in my "soul search" path; I was part of the amazing Toronto Yoga Conference and Show, beautiful event, "crazy" people, and all of them gathered in the same space, the good energy and the open portals to the Soul Dimension were more than I would have asked for, for my practice and also for all people that passed by; lots of healing have happened, lots of awakenings and a concentration of "signs" that the Universe started to send my way predicting my Bali trip before hand.
I happened to meet one of my "old" friends and "client" , all in one case LOL that sells Yoga clothing, beautiful organic, Canada made, good energy pieces imprinted with inspiring intentions: Funky Buddha Yoga Clothing ;)
I was looking for a Tshirt for my trip, something that I can wear to practice my yoga and meditation in Bali, and looking through the clothes I tell Suzanne that I am going to Bali in 3 days, and her face melts in a humongous smile and she goes : NO WAY! I lived in Bali for years! Where are you going?... and I say " I will be visiting Lembongan Island..." and her face and heart were ready to explode " No way!! I lived on Lembongan Island!!!!" ....
what a small world!!! and although big enough to carry all of us!
this is Lembongan Island!
did you notice the God in the picture??
so I ended up buying 2 TShirts with guess who??!! Ganesha :) 
This was the FIRST TIME in my life that I heard of the name, first time I acknowledged the Elephant face, first time I felt like I wanted to wear a face on me.... Whoever knows me well they pretty much know my wardrobe: white with NO designs, dots, lines, ANYTHING on.....
So I bought Ganesha`s Tshirts from a person that used to live on one of the HUNDREDS islands of Indonesia, exactly where I was just going to go in my "soul search" trip.

Getting there, Ganesha was following my every step: streets, restaurants, resorts, markets, every place that I was guided to go to, it was everywhere... from all the Hindu Gods, and they are ALLOT!! she was the only one showing herself to me,...  me - the Mother Mary ultimate Worshiper, the "nothing to do" with Hindu religion at all, except that Buddha said in common words "do not kill any living thing" and that includes cockroaches, rats or any other ants that might slip under your steps.....thing that in the world I live in my daily mortal life, it is not as sacred as it still is in Indonesia... Ganesha loves rats fyi....  

And just so.....I fell in love with a "new" God!

and She showed Herself to me: on my chaotic, no idea where and what Temple chasing path, the Temple that happened to be "on my way" back from the Wholly Waters Tirta Empul, here it was... old as the world, unique in Indonesia, not known by many, the Very First Statue of Ganesha ever discovered in the Hindu world: The Temple of Ganesha...

and what happened after was a shiver on the back of my spine, in 40 degrees of heat I was feeling COLD, and good, and loved, and amazingly melting into the stone surrounding me! She was there, beside me, the Ancient Energy of a God does not need words to be described, does not have feelings to be compared to, it just IS, and continues to be by my side ever since....

and like this was just the beginning I ended up getting a wall-sized hand-painted Ganesha, and I could not get my eyes of a gorgeous Mandala that I had to get with that.... you can guess that the mandala was ... Ganesha`s Yantra!!!!! 

AND this is the Wholly Water Spring that I CHOSE to pray for the World and get my blessings (when it came to the choosing point... :) ) ...

AND this story followed me all the way to the other side of the World: "Home".... coming back to Canada there are the news.... "A 500-pound statue of the Hindu god Ganesh was found in the parking lot of the Oakville Museum earlier this month. (Halton Regional Police Service)" .....  Yeah, that`s me, I live in Oakville!!! Of all places......

Not to mention that 2 weeks after my back to "homeland" I am asking myself about a statue that I used to see every morning in Bali, a statue that I never asked anybody who that is, I was just silently worshipping it, passing by every morning with a smile on my face and in my heart, that statue was "the place" where I had the feeling of HOME, a home that I did not find yet, a home that would once and for all bring PEACE to my wandering soul here on Earth, a home not like a house and a family, but a home like a space in my very Heart that needs to be filled with who I really AM.....
that statue was the place where I was practicing Yoga, and lost my dearest Petrified Wood crystal (revealer of past lifes master)....
the other day I was walking by the Lake, found a place on a cold Canadian rock by the water, and took some time to sit in meditation, under the shy sunshine fighting with the 8 degrees of stubborn cold.... opening my eyes there it was right in front of me, sinking it`s gorgeous head into the polluted waters to check whatever was left alive and somehow nourishing: a SWAN..... back my mind and soul went to the "home place" in Bali.... and here is why...

I bet you wanna know who that is... :)  It is Goddess Saraswati, Ganesha`s sister.... and again for people who know me, ....Saraswati always wears white! ;)

Now that the Family starts to get together...sending Blessings to You!

with an open heart..... Namaste!

to be continued?? :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Story from Bali II


and so the story continues...
two things are needed for Life to Spring: Sun and Water! Both are in Bali!

The Sun in Bali is a power beyond human understanding, the Sun is the one that helps life to hatch from it`s universal night, the Light and the Heat, that is at the limits of endurance for any American Skin; the Sun is the Fire of Gods, and the Fire of Gods resides in the Mt Agung`s volcanic power, Sacred Mountain, one of the points where this Planet is breathing out lava once in a while, reminding to the human race that "sacred" holds the Power of Life by destroying and leaving space for New Life - Pura Besakih temple, The Mother of the 11,000 temples in Bali....

.... but back to the Water!
The Water in Bali, like all flowers and incense, and cockroaches and all Gods figures, the Water is Wholly!

Springs are coming from all corners of the ground washing the outside: cliffs, and rocks and falling down towards human habitat washing the streets filled with steps and motorcycles and cars, washing your every step into these grounds, and paths... you are walking down the streets and you see water following you from the side and you lift your gaze and next thing you know you step into a string of water that accidentally but with no intention to change direction, decided to cross the street and wash all wheels that trespass it...

With one foot in the water and your Crown Chakra exposed to the Sun, there I was, walking between worlds people`s and Gods`, breathing in the smell of flowers mixed with motorcycle smoke, surrounded by Buddha, Shiva, Ganesha, and All Others, powers of the world as not many know, but surely all understand deep inside our hearts...

and so my feet were touched by the Wholliness of Bali`s waters... and that was just the beginning....

Water is everywhere, the very sound of it crosses all other sounds of life here: strings, and springs and cascades, and rivers, and tap water, and fountains, and fountains, and fountains.... hundreds of motorcycles pass by in an uninterrupted flux of mobility and you can STILL hear the water...everywhere! The sound is healing and the very image is reminding that all this human misery of a very poor country from the civilization point of view, can be washed and spring out clear and pure like the soul that inhabits this physical realm. Water is Life and Life is everywhere, pure and worshipped at it`s finest point which is translated to the human eye as "religious fanaticism".... is it? or it is what we do not understand and what really relates us to one another and to All source of Life made by as many Gods as we would like to name, but One that is and will always be inside of our very Soul!

The Water Temple:
...and just so, getting out of the streets and the gardens and the jungle and all other sources of water, here I was, wrapped in an orange cloth, that un-numbered times wrapped so many other bodies, all ill of life itself, coming here for thousands of years to search for purification, healing, wishing for all life to be bearable and beautiful and clean; then this very cloth was washed away of all those wishes with the same Holy Waters and dried under the power of the Sun itself, God of Light and Sustainer of life, same Orange cloth was wrapped around my very heart making me feel like I am praying for the Whole World just as so many times, the Whole World was praying for me... words do not make any justice to the Wholeness that crossed my heart in that moment and there was no cold water in the whole Universe that could have cooled down the rush of my blood in my body, boiling with Life and Hope and Healing!

Tirta Empul Temple, the Wholy Waters of Bali.

to be continued...

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Story from Bali - Indonesia

                        Namaste, the Light in me sees the Light in you!
...and so it is!
.... In Bali getting out of the airport after 24 hours of flight and all the good stuff that comes with it, crossing on the other end of the World, it is Another World... I felt like being watched by dozens of statues of all Gods and Earth Guardians, good and bad, peaceful and aggressive, sweet ans sour....watched.. that was enough to feel like I am uncomfortable and detached from my "private north-american" lifestyle.... wherever I would look there was a pair of piercing wood or stone eyes watching my every step into this new world....
walking down the small airport corridors crowded with faces and languages, and all kinds of smells.... there were good smells, there was incense!!! there were flowers... there was the smell of a big ancient church opening up to the world... on the floor , in every corner of every door, every table and every space that would not serve to anything else... offers to Gods, little boxes made of leafs, filled with flowers, incense, oils, and little moving things that I could not distinguish until my broken spine from the road bent over to analyze... surprising and shocking for my civilized eye... cockroaches!!! YES , that is Bali, a profound and complete blending of flowers and cockroaches; paradox that smells like essential oils and prayers, image of a paradise build from prayers on top of a pile of garbage! I still can`t wrap my head around what I saw and my heart around what I felt, because it felt like HOME, it felt like I belong there despite the turning stomach to the image of these little creatures on top of the flowers, that Buddha said NOT TO KILL, a profound respect for ALL LIFE and a harmony of clean soul in a dirty body! literally!
In Bali the day starts with PRAYING! Everybody prays, everybody gives offers to Gods, the little leaf boxes filled with flowers, incense, oils and "stuff" (biscuits and bacon!), were the delight of the morning rising with the smell of Frankincense or Ylang-Ylang or exotic flowers unfamiliar to my polluted sense of smell... Oils, incense and flower perfume... that`s an awakening in Bali. You make the offers to Gods, you put the little boxes in front of every entrance, on the ground, you take a bow and thank for the gift of life! you walk away dragging the incense smoke behind you like a fairytale that just starts to unfold with your day... and you SMILE. that`s right, you SMILE, not because you have to, not because it is part of the ritual, not because anybody would be around to see it, you smile because you are blessed by being alive, because your very Heart is open and you feel that from the inside.... and you get a flower from a tree - NOT from the ground, like tourists do - and you attach it to your hair... "take fallen flower from ground, bad energy, take alive from tree, good energy!" that`s all the explanation that I needed to justify my actions :) 
 In Bali people EAT. :) they do eat to be able to LOVE... "EAT, PRAY, LOVE" in Bali becomes PRAY, LOVE, EAT, PRAY, LOVE, EAT again...it is in a way that not many understand, it is in the way that Gods told us eons ago, they incarnated and showed us what and how to do it, and They will come back to show us what we did  wrong, where did we loose the ancient wisdom and where did we cut the umbilical cords that kept us connected to Mother Earth! Love is very important and it starts with the Love of Gods, Love of Pray, Love of Eating, and All that is!

Like Shiva did with Parvati, and that`s how Shiva Lingham CRYSTAL was born:
Lord Shiva is conceived in his unborn, invisible form as the Shiva Lingam. The Lingam represents the Male creative Energy of Shiva. This main symbol of Shiva is worshipped in virtually every Hindu temple and Home. The phallus is not worshipped as such, but through it Shiva is worshiped as the supreme consciousness. Embracing the base of the linga is the yoni, the female organ, as the universal energy, as Shakti, Shiva`s spouse. Through Profound understanding of this symbol, the mystery of creation can be understood as the ACT OF LOVE.

This to the "civilized eye" does not look right specially placed facing your room door LOL...

to be continued....:)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Mărțișor! :)

Very powerful symbol! Mărțișor is an old Romanian celebration at the beginning of spring, on March the 1st.Mărțișor is the name for the red and white string from which a small decoration is tied, and which is offered by people on the 1st day of March.

The tradition is authentic in Romania, Moldova, and all territories inhabited by Romanians and Aromanians. Alike though not identical customs can be found in Bulgaria, while similar ones exist in Albania, Greece and Italy.

The Legend
The legend tells that once upon a time the sun, turning into a handsome man used to come down to earth to dance in Romanian villages. Knowing what the new passion of the sun was, a dragon followed and kidnapped him during one of his trips. Then he threw the sun into the basement of his castle.
After the sun was kidnapped, everyone lost their joy, but no one dared to face the dragon. One day, a brave young man decided to go and save the sun. Most of the people followed him giving the young man their power so that he would be able to defeat the dragon.
His journey lasted for 3 seasons: summer, autumn and winter. At the end of the last one, the young man managed to find the dragon’s castle and the battle began. After days of fighting the dragon was finally defeated. Without strength and hurt, the young man released the sun making everyone that had put their hopes in him happy. The nature revived, people started smiling again, only the lad didn’t manage to see spring come.  
While the warm blood from his wounds fell on the ground and the snow melted, white flowers, called snowdrops, the messengers of spring, were rising from the ground. When the last drop of his blood dropped in the snow, he died happy because his life had served such a noble purpose. Since then, when spring comes people braid 2 threads: a white one and a red one.
Winkipedia ;)
Some ethnologists consider Mărţişor to have a Roman origin, while others believe it to have a Daco-Thracian origin.
In ancient Rome, New Year's Eve was celebrated on March 1 - 'Martius', as the month was called in the honour of the god Mars. Mars was not only the god of war but also an agricultural guardian, who ensured nature's rebirth. Therefore, the red and white colours of Mărţişor may be explained as colours of war and peace.
The Thracians also used to celebrate the New Year's Eve on the first day of March, a month which took the name of the god Marsyas Silen, the inventor of the pipe (fluier, traditional musical instrument), whose cult was related to the land and vegetation. Thracian spring celebrations, connected to fertility and the rebirth of nature, were consecrated to him.
In some areas, Daco-Romanians still celebrate the agrarian New Year in spring, where the first days of March are considered days of a new beginning. 

Before March 1, women choose one day from the first nine of the month, and judging by the weather on the chosen day, they would know how the new year will go for them. Similarly, in other areas, young men find out what their wives are going to be like. The first 9 days of March are called Baba Dochia's Days, Baba Dochia being an image of the Great Earth Goddess. The tradition says that you must pick a day from 1 to 9 March, and how the weather in that day will be, so it will be for you all year long.

Matrisor carries with it multiple symbols and therefore the power that comes with this vibration is amazing: Feminine power, Love, Spring - rebirth, Circle of Life continuous, purity of the first flowers in the spring, Mother Earth coming back to life, the Power of The Sun to resuscitate and revive, the Connection between people and nature, and themselves, The Circle Of Life, Love and Light!
Not receiving a Matrisor was a good reason to feel lonely, incomplete, not loved, frustrated and all negative vibrations coming with the opposite meaning of the symbol itself. Rarely anyone did not receive a martisor, rarely anyone was unhappy on the 1st of March.
After wearing the Martisor, once you see your FIRST BLOOMED TREE, you are supposed to tie the Mărțișor String to one of it`s branches, that`s how you give back to Mother Nature your Own healing and renewing Power so it will come back to you in the perpetual Circle of Life.

 Happy Mărțișor!
Crystal Blessings! Phoenix

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Anybody Seasick?? ;)

Today: 21st Feb. 2012 - we are experiencing the New Moon in Pisces!!!

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the sign of completion and return to the Source.    It is symbolized by Earth's oceans as well as the cosmic oceans, and symbolizes the collective unconscious of humanity.   All our experiences, everything that any of us has planted is there, swimming in the depths.   Mermaids and monsters, dreamy blue-green shallows lull us while cold-blooded ancient beings swim through dark, cold places in this watery realm.   We can get caught in the most horrific delusions or rise up into the clearest light.  

Pisces is the sign of the mystic and the martyr, the artist and the addict.   Pisces' two fishes swim in opposite directions, eternally tied together so that the opposites balance each other: good and evil, light and dark, female and male, Sun and Moon, Yin and Yang.   It is the realm of the archetypal patterns of life, and the stories of Mother Earth and her children can be found flowing through its currents.   In Pisces, we get to experience consciousness itself at work.

Feeling seasick yet?! I AM... it`s been 3 days since the waves seem to follow and surround me with the permanent motion that makes me feel physically uncomfortable....


Here`s an easy one: AQUAMARINE!!!

Aquamarine is the best stone to wear while "at sea" , it will bring the stillness back into yourself and show you the way to the shore; no matter how lost you think you are, now it is time to hold on to this wisdom crystal and ask for directions, it does not necessary mean that you should get "back home", but NOW is your moment to choose YOUR shore, to choose your NEW LIFE, to leave behind all that is past and it is not yours to keep you roped in an eternal loop of sadness and disillusion; now is the time to walk through that veil of waiting and dream big of this year, see and feel it in your heart that all you wish for is becoming reality!
Welcome to the AGE OF PISCES!!! Welcome AQUAMARINE into your life! Make this Crystal a Friend and TRUST that the guidance that comes from it is meant to bring you to "your shore", your path in life, your real reason why YOU ARE HERE! .

Crystal Blessings, Phoenix-Veronica