Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Story from Bali II


and so the story continues...
two things are needed for Life to Spring: Sun and Water! Both are in Bali!

The Sun in Bali is a power beyond human understanding, the Sun is the one that helps life to hatch from it`s universal night, the Light and the Heat, that is at the limits of endurance for any American Skin; the Sun is the Fire of Gods, and the Fire of Gods resides in the Mt Agung`s volcanic power, Sacred Mountain, one of the points where this Planet is breathing out lava once in a while, reminding to the human race that "sacred" holds the Power of Life by destroying and leaving space for New Life - Pura Besakih temple, The Mother of the 11,000 temples in Bali....

.... but back to the Water!
The Water in Bali, like all flowers and incense, and cockroaches and all Gods figures, the Water is Wholly!

Springs are coming from all corners of the ground washing the outside: cliffs, and rocks and falling down towards human habitat washing the streets filled with steps and motorcycles and cars, washing your every step into these grounds, and paths... you are walking down the streets and you see water following you from the side and you lift your gaze and next thing you know you step into a string of water that accidentally but with no intention to change direction, decided to cross the street and wash all wheels that trespass it...

With one foot in the water and your Crown Chakra exposed to the Sun, there I was, walking between worlds people`s and Gods`, breathing in the smell of flowers mixed with motorcycle smoke, surrounded by Buddha, Shiva, Ganesha, and All Others, powers of the world as not many know, but surely all understand deep inside our hearts...

and so my feet were touched by the Wholliness of Bali`s waters... and that was just the beginning....

Water is everywhere, the very sound of it crosses all other sounds of life here: strings, and springs and cascades, and rivers, and tap water, and fountains, and fountains, and fountains.... hundreds of motorcycles pass by in an uninterrupted flux of mobility and you can STILL hear the water...everywhere! The sound is healing and the very image is reminding that all this human misery of a very poor country from the civilization point of view, can be washed and spring out clear and pure like the soul that inhabits this physical realm. Water is Life and Life is everywhere, pure and worshipped at it`s finest point which is translated to the human eye as "religious fanaticism".... is it? or it is what we do not understand and what really relates us to one another and to All source of Life made by as many Gods as we would like to name, but One that is and will always be inside of our very Soul!

The Water Temple:
...and just so, getting out of the streets and the gardens and the jungle and all other sources of water, here I was, wrapped in an orange cloth, that un-numbered times wrapped so many other bodies, all ill of life itself, coming here for thousands of years to search for purification, healing, wishing for all life to be bearable and beautiful and clean; then this very cloth was washed away of all those wishes with the same Holy Waters and dried under the power of the Sun itself, God of Light and Sustainer of life, same Orange cloth was wrapped around my very heart making me feel like I am praying for the Whole World just as so many times, the Whole World was praying for me... words do not make any justice to the Wholeness that crossed my heart in that moment and there was no cold water in the whole Universe that could have cooled down the rush of my blood in my body, boiling with Life and Hope and Healing!

Tirta Empul Temple, the Wholy Waters of Bali.

to be continued...

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