Namaste, the Light in me sees the Light in you!
walking down the small airport corridors crowded with faces and languages, and all kinds of smells.... there were good smells, there was incense!!! there were flowers... there was the smell of a big ancient church opening up to the world... on the floor , in every corner of every door, every table and every space that would not serve to anything else... offers to Gods, little boxes made of leafs, filled with flowers, incense, oils, and little moving things that I could not distinguish until my broken spine from the road bent over to analyze... surprising and shocking for my civilized eye... cockroaches!!! YES , that is Bali, a profound and complete blending of flowers and cockroaches; paradox that smells like essential oils and prayers, image of a paradise build from prayers on top of a pile of garbage! I still can`t wrap my head around what I saw and my heart around what I felt, because it felt like HOME, it felt like I belong there despite the turning stomach to the image of these little creatures on top of the flowers, that Buddha said NOT TO KILL, a profound respect for ALL LIFE and a harmony of clean soul in a dirty body! literally!
In Bali the day starts with PRAYING! Everybody prays, everybody gives offers to Gods, the little leaf boxes filled with flowers, incense, oils and "stuff" (biscuits and bacon!), were the delight of the morning rising with the smell of Frankincense or Ylang-Ylang or exotic flowers unfamiliar to my polluted sense of smell... Oils, incense and flower perfume... that`s an awakening in Bali. You make the offers to Gods, you put the little boxes in front of every entrance, on the ground, you take a bow and thank for the gift of life! you walk away dragging the incense smoke behind you like a fairytale that just starts to unfold with your day... and you SMILE. that`s right, you SMILE, not because you have to, not because it is part of the ritual, not because anybody would be around to see it, you smile because you are blessed by being alive, because your very Heart is open and you feel that from the inside.... and you get a flower from a tree - NOT from the ground, like tourists do - and you attach it to your hair... "take fallen flower from ground, bad energy, take alive from tree, good energy!" that`s all the explanation that I needed to justify my actions :)
In Bali people EAT. :) they do eat to be able to LOVE... "EAT, PRAY, LOVE" in Bali becomes PRAY, LOVE, EAT, PRAY, LOVE, EAT is in a way that not many understand, it is in the way that Gods told us eons ago, they incarnated and showed us what and how to do it, and They will come back to show us what we did wrong, where did we loose the ancient wisdom and where did we cut the umbilical cords that kept us connected to Mother Earth! Love is very important and it starts with the Love of Gods, Love of Pray, Love of Eating, and All that is!
Like Shiva did with Parvati, and that`s how Shiva Lingham CRYSTAL was born:
This to the "civilized eye" does not look right specially placed facing your room door LOL...
to be continued....:)
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